Tuesday, April 24, 2012

...clean? Homemade Tooth Powder

I recently wrote about some of the homemade household products we use.  Tooth powder seems to be the one that garners the most odd looks and comments from people.  It seems unbelievable to most people that  we don't use something as basic as toothpaste, even the "natural" ones.  I will admit that other than at my in-laws house, I've never used the natural toothpastes.  My son and I switched straight from Colgate to the recipe you'll find below.  Why?  Well, why not?  What do you think your toothpaste looked like before they added the liquid ingredients and all those chemicals?  Most likely it was a powder.  Why pay for someone else to add liquid into the ingredients you can put together yourself? As and added perk, no more exploded toothpaste tubes in your airline luggage (not that we fly anymore...want to know why?)

The following recipe is one that a friend of mine gave to me, but I'm not sure where she originally obtained it. She's seen the same results I have since she and her daughters have started using it.  Both of our dentists have even remarked on our clean teeth.  I don't know about you, but no matter how well I brushed my teeth growing up, the hygienist always had to scrape and scrape. Yuck.  Farewell cavities!

Check out the recipe!

Tooth Powder

For a small batch (large batch)

  • 1/2  cup     baking soda    (2 cups)
  • 6     tsp      xylitol            (1/2 cup)
  • 1     tsp      sea salt          (4 tsp)
  • 30   drops   lemon oil       (120 drops or 1/3 oz)
  1. Place all ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend for approximately 5-10 seconds
  2. Store in a container to keep dry
To use, you can either:
  1. Wet your toothbrush with water, taping to remove excess, and dip bristles into tooth powder.  Brush teeth as usual.
  2. Dip your dry toothbrush into tooth powder and brush your teeth as normal (my five year old brushes his own teeth this way without any trouble)
I've been known to skip the lemon oil since it only adds flavor and definitely increases the cost.  Let me know how you like it.

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