Thursday, May 3, 2012 Are fluffy whole wheat pancakes possible?

When My son requested a special breakfast for his birthday, I wasn't sure what to make.  Then I remembered that he's 5 and "special breakfast" to him simply means a big stack of pancakes with syrup.  And a candle.

White flour is not something you typically see in our house and I've had iffy results with the whole wheat pancake/waffle recipes I've searched out in the past.  Too flat and tough tended to be what I ended up with. I searched Google again.  This time I found this recipe over at  When I mixed it up, the batter seemed incredibly thin so I added more flour to reach pancake batter precision.  I also added more of this and that and had the best pancake breakfast I've had in a long time!!!  They were wonderfully fluffy and slightly sweet.  I didn't even eat mine with syrup, they were THAT good!  The birthday boy loved his special breakfast and 5 years old was looking pretty swell so far.

Here it is:

Fluffy Whole Wheat Pancakes
(adapted from


  • 4 cups whole wheat flour
  • 6 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 tsp sugar, optional (or use any sweetener you prefer)
  • 3 large organic, pastured eggs
  • 2 1/2 tablespoons organic vegetable oil
  • 2 cups milk (I used almond milk)
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 2 tsp almond extract
  • cooking spray
  1. Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl. 
  2. Add wet ingredients to the mixing bowl and whisk until well combined
  3. Heat a large skillet on medium heat (If using a gas range, adjust as needed to prevent burning). Lightly spray oil to coat pancake batter to desired size and shape. I used about 1/8 cup per pancake to make 2 1/2 inch diameter pancakes. When the pancake starts to bubble and the edges begin to set, flip the pancakes. Continue cooking approximately 30 seconds (depending on the size you made), remove to serving platter and keep warm. 
  4. Repeat with remaining batter, spraying more cooking spray as needed.
I didn't count all the pancakes I made, but it made a lot. Based on the recipe and taking into account my adaptations, if you use 1/4 cup batter per pancake, it should make around 20-23 pancakes.  Let me know how you like them!

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